Second lockdown in Austria: The measures at a glance

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From Tuesday midnight, drastic measures to combat the corona crisis will again be in force in Austria.

Exit restrictions apply between 20 and 6 o’clock. The “own private living area” may only be left to avert an immediate danger to life, limb and property; to care for persons in need of support and to fulfil family rights and obligations; to cover the basic needs of daily life; to recover physically and mentally in the open air.

In public spaces, a distance of one meter must be kept from all persons not living in their own household. When staying in closed public spaces, an additional mouth and nose protector must be worn. The minimum distance may be undercut in groups of a maximum of six persons from a maximum of two different households (plus a maximum of six underage children).

Locals must close, with the exception of canteens and the catering in hotels for their guests. Food can be picked up between 6 and 20 o’clock, delivery around the clock.

Leisure and cultural facilities such as cinemas, theaters, museums, swimming pools, indoor playgrounds are also closed. Only parks and libraries may remain open.

Hotels are not allowed to accommodate tourists, but only business travelers or people who need urgent housing. People who are already accommodated when the regulations come into force may stay for the agreed duration.

Stores remain open; ten square meters must be available per customer. If the customer area is smaller than ten square meters, only one customer may enter. Businesses with “body-conscious” services such as hairdressers or beauty salons are not affected by the lockdown either.

Contact sports are prohibited, indoor sports facilities are closed – except for professional athletes. Individual and leisure sports outdoors are permitted, provided that no physical contact is made. Skiing on groomed slopes is not possible, as cable cars and other lifts may only be used by top athletes.

Events are prohibited – except for demonstrations, funerals with a maximum of 50 participants, professional and religious gatherings.

The immediate private living area is not regulated, but celebrations in garages, gardens and barns are prohibited.

Kindergartens; elementary schools and lower grades remain open. However, high school and college students will be converted to distance learning.

Visits to hospitals, health resorts and nursing homes are limited: Up to and including November 17, visits are only permitted every two days, with a maximum of one visitor per day. In total, a maximum of two different visitors can be received over the next two weeks. Visitors must either have a negative test result or wear adequate respiratory protection. Staff in the respective facilities must present a negative PCR or antigen test result every week, depending on availability. Alternatively, an FFP2 mask may be worn throughout the course of the job.

At the workplace, a distance of at least one meter must be maintained between persons, unless the risk of infection can be minimized by appropriate protective measures. Wherever possible, a switch back to home office should be made.

Carpools and cab rides are only permitted if there are only two people per row of seats (including handlebars). Exceptions are transports of kindergarten children or transports of people with disabilities, if this is necessary due to the number of passengers as well as during boarding and alighting.

Period of validity: The exit restrictions are valid until 12th November inclusive, the other measures until 30th November.

  • hp, Source: with reports from Picture:
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